It was started when my final year project commenced at the end of 1st sem..the project was carried out until end of februari of 2009.. bulk of task was given by the lecturers while i was trying to complete my draft thesis. quite no. of assingments, lab reports, tests and viva(final year project presentation..these were the critical time ever since I have become an university student..
Due to time constraint dat i've experienced during the completion of my final year project draft, i felt sick, my body get warm, my head got dizzy, and acne grew all over my forehead..These i think were the symptom of stressness..however, with my remained energy, i eventually could have something that i can appreciate with..jeng 3x....

This is my final year project draft entitled " partial purification of fungal laccase using gel filtration chromatography: effect of selected operating variables.
It was like ultimate satisfaction which has been paid for my effort and my competent all this while.. i would like to thank to Alimin, master student working in the lab where i was working at for my experiment..he was always there when i need him..good.. i think he was like my real supervisor..better than my prior supervisor such way...
Our final year project presentation or known as VIVA..i don know wat it stands for..was started on 13-14th of April turn was on 14th of April at 9.30 o'clock..i don have any pic regarding on this..but later i'll put when the pic is around..the presentation was gone well..another task came after another..the second draft should be completed within short time frame after the presentation before complete draft as shown above can be made..within this time frame..another tests for subject biomarine was held..wat the hell..and given task like assingment also must be hand up by that frustrated i was...
when everything was exam was jus around the corner..but rest is rest.. so i took 2 to 3 days to settle down before revision was started... my 1st paper was secondary metabolite, followed by bioseparation, biotech marine, plant morphology and last but not least genetic engineering of plant and animal..
If i could have an life would be easier....However being in pain, being challenged, being in complexity and troublesome, for me to have matured mind set, these are all the element that we should go through..bak kata pepatah..''bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah"..
whenever our motivation is faded away to achieve a success.. be always hold on this adage...''jangan direnung letihnya usaha, tetapi renunglah manisnya sebuah kejayaan"
Our final year project presentation or known as VIVA..i don know wat it stands for..was started on 13-14th of April turn was on 14th of April at 9.30 o'clock..i don have any pic regarding on this..but later i'll put when the pic is around..the presentation was gone well..another task came after another..the second draft should be completed within short time frame after the presentation before complete draft as shown above can be made..within this time frame..another tests for subject biomarine was held..wat the hell..and given task like assingment also must be hand up by that frustrated i was...
when everything was exam was jus around the corner..but rest is rest.. so i took 2 to 3 days to settle down before revision was started... my 1st paper was secondary metabolite, followed by bioseparation, biotech marine, plant morphology and last but not least genetic engineering of plant and animal..
If i could have an life would be easier....However being in pain, being challenged, being in complexity and troublesome, for me to have matured mind set, these are all the element that we should go through..bak kata pepatah..''bukan senang nak senang, bukan susah nak susah"..
whenever our motivation is faded away to achieve a success.. be always hold on this adage...''jangan direnung letihnya usaha, tetapi renunglah manisnya sebuah kejayaan"
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