For the very first time of being bloged i would like to introduce myself..ok.. my truly name is Mohd Nur Ikhmal b Salehmin and hail from Banting Selangor Malaysia. have u guys been there b4? i've been raising in a small developed town where everythg is sufficient for me to live..my parent sent me to primary school nearer to house so that i can cycling and never skip classes.hahha....when i was 13 my parent sent me schooled(this word never exist) me far away from my origin places. it was in PJ..the school's name is SMK LA SALLE..well it tooks 5 years in secondary school...then with the result dat pre-requisitely pass for matric, i went to PUSAT ASASI SAINS UNIVERSITY MALAYA...kind of science foundation where the student need to be prepared for science undergraduate..then, when i ended up my foundation, i've been offered to extend my study in UNIVERSITY MALAYA.....yet it almost 3 years i've been studying in UM exluding fundation..if that so, it will be 4 years..wow wat a long jurney..well i still enjoying my life being in this lovely Uni...