10 colleges have sent their representative team of choir to compete on the DTC stage to make the most tremendous performance ever. team from 4th college have sent 28 well trained singer which is comprised soprano, alto, tennor, and bass. i was singing the tennor part..our turn was no 8..and if u guys wanna see how our performance was..let have a look at the photos below....

guess where i was??????????

everyone was keeping their mouth widely opened..were they thirsty? waiting for the rain to drop down.

look at the person which stood next to me..he din really like to close his mouth as shown tru all those picture above..

our pianist and the big piano....i mean damn big and long...

Our cute conductor..she get cough while she was conducting..but no one heard..thank god..

thinking of winning...

me myself...after our performance was finished..


three important person..used to be our backbone..without them, u will watch no us on the stage..

thank s to my lovely ruate, they were willing to come..

can we win..??????? still thinking...

had a chance to take a pic with the conductor..i told u guys, she is really cute..

with trainer..she said, I always escape training session..yes I did...bz maaa...
tunggu punye tunggu...sekali kalah daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......nak kate terkilan...dah biase dah ngan terkilan ni..dah 2 tahun tak dapat placing...sume budget kali ni mng..tapi sekurang2nya..kita tau knape kalah..the arrangement of the 1st song wasn't appropriate for patriotic song..we sang it not in the right way as it should...according to one of the judger..wat to do..judgers were already decide..no turning back...
Don't be sad.. huhu... hensem gak adik angkat aku nie... hehe
hehe time kasih..
wer got...........
u guys mmg ptt menang dat nite!!!!!!
ps: i same2 cute cam lily
ceh tak mention pon pic ni amik dari aku..hehe
bgla kredit link ke blog aku...glemer sket blog aku...haha
mmg patut mng pun..tapi huhuh...tak pelah..
lain kali ye saipul fakir...
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