last night (12 dec 2008) i had a bad dream n i like to share wat i've gone through out of my frens and i took a bus went back to somewhere...i don know where we were heading to...all of sudden..2 guys took a back most seat and acting like punk or somthg bizarre..i've never seen people like that b4..they pow us money like idiot beggar..but we wont give' em hell of money..without further decision..we punch them up..n we won...hahahhahaha...
last night i was dreamed..the location was in my room D206.. i was with my cousin and my cousin is girl n i don have any idea how she can stay with me in the same room..that's a gift i think..we were discussing how to cover if we get cought..the main problems is we were staying in the same room plus we illegally stay at that room..i mean we dont pay the room rent..wat i remembered was juz discussing until my sleep is over and woke up..
malam ble ntah,,kwan pompuan aku duk sebelah aku, pastu die sakit perut, pastu aku terdengar bunyi cirit..mmg cirit pun..nasib baik mimpi..klau tak..
mlm semalam 22 dec 2008, aku mimpi aku beli nasi goreng ape ntah ngan gula-gula stick panjang gle..nasi goreng tu aku order 2 bungkus...bile aku tanye harga..sumenye 24 rgt..mak ai nate betul..mahal nak mampus..
pastu malam yg same aku mimpi aku bunuh orang sampai lunyai..sebabnye aku pun lupe knape aku bunuh orang tu..
mlm yg sama gak aku mimpi aku p haji..huhuhu...pastu cte yang selanjutnye pun aku dah lupa hehehe...
i will update this blog as long as my night dream wont cease and believe this coz this is true story.....
[Review J-Dorama] Extremely Inappropriate!
1 month ago
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