The Day The Earth Stood Still..this movie absolutely suck...dont watch this if u want to....i've spent 12 rgt for this horrible movie..the narration of this movie make me neither impress nor affected...but its graphic is nice..to dear director..u r failed to lure the watchers this time.

cicakman 2..movie ni aku bg 7 /10 lah..awal2 je dah buat aku gelak..terngiang2 plak tu scene lawak yg first tu..hahahhaha...gelak dlm hati pun ade gak ble teringat balik lawak die..layan gak lah...boleh lah movie ni..klau boleh cicakman yg akan dtg pulak nanti aku sarankan lebih series lah kot bab2 action ni..baru nampak hero sket..graphic mmg cun..aku suke..teruskan lawak2 yang ade..mmg ade identiti tersendiri...

smallville..tv series that relatively connected to super heroes superman..or another term u guys can say the superman while he was at young age...he has superb energy thta could make him strong and powerfull to protect the world..huhu watsoever..welcome to the fantasy world of superman..i've stop following this tv series couple of months ago...but i love to watch it again in another time...

knight rider 2008, it revives me to the TV series in 1980's where i always stick to the schedule when the series is on TV when i was around 10....myself was going crazy with that black car at that moment..the car called knight rider and it can consider alive coz it could talk much like human with monotone voices.and by that, KITT is the name of the sounded machine...yet, new revolution of knight rider has turn into marvelous car equipped with sophisticated gadgets like it never been attempted before..but everything goes so illogically into ur mind..but it is so graphically smooth wat keep me this tv series fascinating for me..

ghost whisperer another drama series dat mainly cast by Jennifer Love Hewitt is a not to creepy of ghost story but this story revolving a gift dat enable her to talk to ghost or in another word having chat with dead soul..most of the problem are about the dead soul dat haven't cross..i mean the dead has something unrelieved matter that happen right before the person is died...or unfinished business dat ever dealt with the persons who r connected to the dead... hereby, she, Melinda Gordon is always there for helping ghost who really need her help.....not too creepy but too crap....though it so, the story line is good coz its share the sadness together with the watchers...

Dr House, another drama series dat i recently watched but haven't finish it yet...it fulls of medication stuff and the scenes are almost around the hospital and sometimes quite interesting where they invest chronic disease by going down to the sites of source of occurrence and much pretty like CSI..Dr house dislike to see patient in personal bcoz most of the patient used to lie to him and difficult to diagnose and sometimes ruin up the rest...........

gossip girl.....x.o.x.o......girlish stories dat revolves around the lives of
socialite teenagers growing up on
New York City's
Upper East Side who attend elite academic institutions while dealing with sex, drugs, jealousy, and other issues. this is not suitable for under age watcher coz there is a lot of kisses and adult things..check this tv series out..it will warms u up...ahaksss..

prison break is among the drama series dat i always watch for..always up to date and download the series...but my roomate always do, not me...i'm parasite dat absorb stuffs from partner...huhuhu..i started watch this series since 2007 from season 1,2,3, and currently season 4..its story line is awesome and fantastic...full of brilliant strategy and suspense scene...
nak sume cite atas tu..
nnt aku amik ek..
mantap la.banyak nyer citer tengok.
rm12 utk the day the earth stood still... uhuks...
aku duk guling2 kesejukan atas lantai time tgk citer tu.. rugi2...
tau tak pe..sakit hati je aku tgk..
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